
Had working honest kind competent loving

Év 62 Honnan való? Cottage Grove, Oregon Elérhető 2 héttel ezelőtt

Férfi keres Hölgyet

Általános adatok Mondjon el többet önmagáról.
  • Keresztnév Jon Michael
  • Leírás Cherokee hybrid who was raised in west cost big city who rejected the concrete jungle and moved north to forest land and bought horses and dogs and learned to wild craft. In need of honest outgoing woman with at least a pinch of tomboy in her. Love children and animals and the rivers and the forest. I am curantly living in low populus area at 4400 feet for country living. Would love to make a full family with as many children as my mate wants. Was raised with morals and work skills and would love to share with children. Not lazy and dont drink at all and avoid people on drugs except pot. Self starter with many feathers in cap. Good sense of humor!
  • Jelentkezzen Bika
Megjelenés és helyzete Milyen a pillanatnyi helyzete? Írja le kinézetét.
  • Testalkatom Sportos
  • Magasságom 1.8 m
  • Etnicitásom Amerikai őslakos

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